Category : Beatles

by Super Admin - 7 years ago

John Lennon’s Monkey Bike is auctioned for £56,000

John Lennon's Honda Monkey Bike motorcycle has sold for £56,250. The 1969 Honda Z50A Monkey Bike was auctioned at the National Motorcycle Museum in Solihull, England, by H&H Classics. It was the highest price paid at auction for this type of mot...

by Super Admin - 7 years ago

Beatles parody band The Rutles announce 2018 tour

Veteran Beatles parodists The Rutles have announced a rare UK tour for May and June. Original members Neil Innes (AKA Ron Nasty) and John Halsey (AKA Barrington Womble) will be joined by ‘Rutling’ Ken Thornton, Phil Jackson and Jay Goodrich....

by Super Admin - 7 years ago

New Exciting Ultra-Affordable TV Service

Beatles-A-Rama!!! is proud to be in partnership with Stargate TV. That’s a new streaming Television service that simply blows all the others out of the water! For only $20 per month, you have access to over 500 channels from the U.S. and beyond...

by Super Admin - 7 years ago

Ray Thomas obituary

Founding member of the Moody Blues best known as the group’s flautistRay Thomas, a founding member of the Moody Blues, who has died aged 76, played various instruments, including the French horn, oboe, piccolo, harmonica and saxophone, but was best k...

by Super Admin - 7 years ago

Tony Calder obituary

Music promoter behind 60s hits by the Beatles, Rolling Stones and Marianne FaithfullAmong the young visionaries, hustlers and chancers who emerged from the art colleges, advertising agencies, record company mailing rooms and photographers’ studios of...

by Super Admin - 7 years ago

Jane Bown's photographs of the Beatles in colour

GNM Archive has a serendipitous set of rare colour photographs taken of the Beatles by Jane Bown in 1967Jane Bown (1925-2014) worked for the Observer for 65 years, taking unforgettable images of hundreds of subjects. She used basic equipment and ofte...