from London’s Daily Mirror………..
The woman who epitomized the swinging sixities has spoken of what it was like to be at the heart of music’s most toxic love triangle.
Rock chick Pattie Boyd , the sixties model who was married to George Harrison and had an affair with Eric Clapton , has spoken of what it was like to be at the heart of music’s most toxic love triangle.
The woman who opitmised the swinging sixities has spoken about a new documentary film about Clapton, which reveals details of her relationships with the two rock rivals.
She was 21 when she married Beatle George but fellow guitarist Eric Clapton fell in love with his friend’s wife and pusued her relentlessly.
In an interview with The Times magazine today Pattie, now 73 and married to her third husband Rod Weston, is asked who was the love of her life.
She replied: “I think George. He was always very loving.”
“Even after we split he was always my friend. We’d still speak on the phone.
“And he came to see me before he died. If you love somebody you do that. And I think he always loved me.”
She is less flattering about Eric though, saying: “Eric loves himself. I don’t think there’s much room for me.”
Describing her dilema she said: “Eric was pursuing me and I was so indecisive about leaving George. Then Eric sank into this mess of taking heroin. He vowed he would if I rejected him.
“It was only after that that we got together and maybe it was four years too late.”
Both men were inspired to write songs about her. Harrison wrote “Something” and Clapton wrote “Layla.”
The documentary film is called Eric Clapton: Life in 12 Bars and Pattie describes it as “a brutally honest portrayal of someone in pain.”
She says: “I think he’s brave to have done it. It showed me so many of Eric’s problems stemmed from his childhood and how unberably cruel his mother was.”
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