Jane Bown's photographs of the Beatles in colour

Tout sur les Beatles

Beatles / Tout sur les Beatles 955 Views comments

GNM Archive has a serendipitous set of rare colour photographs taken of the Beatles by Jane Bown in 1967

Jane Bown (1925-2014) worked for the Observer for 65 years, taking unforgettable images of hundreds of subjects. She used basic equipment and often relied solely on available light and is known for her iconic black and white photographs. She honed a deceptively simple technique to produce her highly distinctive photographs. The GNM Archive holds an extensive collection of her work.

Related: Jane Bown's Olympus OM-1 camera: teaching resource from the GNM Archive, April 2013

Related: Jane Bown: a life in photography – in pictures

Related: The Beatles' Magical Mystery Tour: 'a romantical view of show business'- archive, 28 December 1967

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