Category : Beatles

by Super Admin - 4 years ago

Who Remembers The American Beetles?

reprinted from the 2/17/2013 Anyone remember the American Beetles (spelled with a double “ee”)? I watched the American debut of the Beatles on Sunday night on the Ed Sullivan Show over 49 years ago. I was 13 years old. T...

by Super Admin - 4 years ago

How An Angry Moody Blues Fan Saved The Band

by Martin Kelly/ The Moody Blues’ journey from waning pop group to groundbreaking prog-rock artists began one night in early 1967, when an angry fan told them that they’d ruined his night. With the success of the 1...

by Super Admin - 4 years ago

Day Trippers: Beatles fans in Liverpool – photo essay

A series of photographs by Craig Easton shot between 2016 and 2018 explores the legacy of the Beatles in Liverpool and coincides with the 50th anniversary of the band’s break-up‘I was shattered’ – Paul Weller, Booker T and more on the day the Beatles...

by Super Admin - 4 years ago

Musings on COVID-19

By Pat Matthews/ Everyone needs to know they’re gonna be alright. Call me the eternal optimist, but I believe we’re going to come out on the other end of this Pandemic better as a people. Just look around you. People h...