How An Angry Moody Blues Fan Saved The Band

Tout sur les Beatles

Beatles / Tout sur les Beatles 852 Views comments

by Martin Kelly/

The Moody Blues’ journey from waning pop group to groundbreaking prog-rock artists began one night in early 1967, when an angry fan told them that they’d ruined his night.

With the success of the 1964 single “Go Now!” behind the band, the incident led to the new lineup of Justin Hayward, John Lodge, Mike Pinder, Ray Thomas and Graeme Edge reexamining their priorities and resulting in the success of their second album, Days of Future Passed.

“The first shows we did together were in Belgium,” Hayward told& Prog& in a recently published archive interview. “It was about the only place where there was still a demand for the band. When we got back to England, it looked like we had no future. We were getting dwindling crowds and decreasing money.”

He& recalled how “it all came to a head when we did a show in Stockton during March 1967. We were so bad, a fan accosted us afterwards and told us we were the worst band he’d ever seen, and we’d ruined the night for him and his wife who’d paid £12 for a night out and had seen the dreadful Moody Blues!

Read More:& How an Angry Moody Blues Fan Saved the Band& |
