Top marks for Sgt Pepper | Letter

Tout sur les Beatles

Beatles / Tout sur les Beatles 510 Views comments

Reader John Major should have known better when he ripped off the Beatles’ lyrics for a homework assignment

The lyrics from pop songs have appeared in the classroom before those of Taylor Swift (Belgian university launches Taylor Swift-inspired literature course, 13 August). Realising, half an hour before an English class, that I hadn’t done my homework to submit a classic poem of our choosing, I hastily wrote out the words of the Beatles’ She’s Leaving Home from the recently released Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album, hoping my teacher wouldn’t understand the reference.

Needless to say I was rumbled. Mr Arrowsmith’s comment as I left his class was “Mr Major. Not quite what I had in mind but thank you for at least not choosing Lovely Rita. Dreadful nonsense.” When my paper was returned, he had noted, “Inventive. I give McCartney an A”.
John Major
Shrewsbury, Shropshire

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