Talking about Brexit the Mussolini way | Brief letters

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Greece | Brexit language | Philharmonic Dining Rooms | Today programme | Marmalade

On Tuesday you reported that 500,000 Greeks left Greece between 2010 and 2015 for more prosperous countries, and that the Greek government has introduced a €2,000 incentive to have more children. On Wednesday you reported that 74,000 asylum seekers reached Greece last year; 42,000 of them are trapped in accommodation designed for 5,400 people. Surely the answer is obvious.
Amanda Norrie

• Your report on Brexit language rules for Foreign Office staff (Brexit? Don’t mention it, 5 February) reminded me of a story from Mussolini’s Italy, when the fascist government declared that the malaria in southern Italy had been eradicated. Of course, it hadn’t been – but it was now forbidden to refer to it as malaria. It had to be called febbre intermittente (intermittent fever).
Bojan Bujic

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