Paul McCartney live: Glastonbury Festival

Tout sur les Beatles

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Paul McCartney headlined the Glastonbury Festival on Saturday 25 June 2022. Coming just days after McCartney celebrated his 80th birthday, the 2022 appearance made him the festival’s oldest ever headliner. The show took place 18 years since the former Beatle first played the Pyramid Stage. As in 2004, McCartney’s band was Paul ‘Wix’ Wickens (vocals, keyboards, guitar, percussion, harmonica), Brian Ray (vocals, guitar, bass), Rusty Anderson (vocals, guitar) and Abe Laboriel Jr (vocals, drums). Glastonbury 2022 was their 500th show together. The band was augmented by the brass trio Hot City Horns – Paul Burton (trombone), Mike Davis (trumpet), and Kenji Fenton

The post Paul McCartney live: Glastonbury Festival first appeared on The Beatles Bible.
