It’s a hard day’s night trying to get to sleep | Letters

Tout sur les Beatles

Beatles / Tout sur les Beatles 672 Views comments

Gabriel Aitman tries to get God on his side, while Frank Newhofer wrestles with a Beatles conundrum

At 97, getting to sleep can be a complicated affair (Letters, 16 February). I greet my first God, Jehovah, with a little prayer, then say “hello” to Allah followed by my Hindu friend, and finally turn to Buddha before counting to 100, doing relaxation exercises. Turning from my right to left side, I start all over again.

Somehow, I must sleep because I wake up in the early hours to relieve myself. And bingo, returning to bed I think back to the good days when I was 20. Getting up to shower is an effort that is manageable between 8am and 10am. And the day begins.
Gabriel Aitman
Northwood, London

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