Hold the front page for the comedy goat | Brief letters

Tout sur les Beatles

Beatles / Tout sur les Beatles 930 Views comments

Acting connections | Billy Preston | Chinese war graves | Comedy goat | Brexit secretary | Going Bonkers

Imagine if you’re in hospital and the person examining you turns out not to be a doctor – but his mum is a doctor, or his cousin, or he went to the same school as a doctor. Four years’ training, £50,000 of student debt, over three years of working in pubs: how does a young actor, who went to the local comprehensive and who has no connections to the acting world, find their way in?
Debbie Smith
(Mother of a young, still hopeful actor), Eastbourne, East Sussex

• The only official member of both the Beatles and Rolling Stones was Billy Preston, not Eric Clapton (‘Yoko Ono was waiting for me – with two lawyers’, G2, 12 November). Preston played keyboards on several Beatles tracks and toured as a member of the Stones.
Bob Floyd
Helensburgh, Argyll and Bute

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