Grace Jones and giant confetti cannons: the 20 biggest festival moments of 2017

Tout sur les Beatles

Beatles / Tout sur les Beatles 982 Views comments

From disco queens and interactive fun to Aphex Twin blowing the roof off Field Day and Frank Ocean at Lovebox, here are this year’s ‘were you there’ highlights

London’s most discerning day festival, Field Day, has a flash new bit of kit to show off this year: the Barn, a vast hangar-like structure that boasts cutting-edge light shows and a whomping, next-level sound system. Of course, such a forward-thinking space needs a headliner to match. Step forward Aphex Twin, who will be blasting out his glitchy, futurist rave for a rare UK performance. Likely to be, err, barnstorming. Gwilym Mumford

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