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Are you looking for a great way to get ahead with fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) business? An FBA business can give your income a healthy boost if you get your hands on a product that will ring in sales. Knowing which products to offer in your FBA business can be something of a challenge unless you do proper the research and analysis of the market place. One tool that can help you decide which product or products to offer is Jungle Scout. Let’s take a closer look at Jungle Scout, answer some common questions about it and examine how successful it is for helping individual FBA owners achieve their objectives.

I have been using Jungle Scout for 4 years now, and use it extensively in my product research. Therefore I feel like I am qualified to write an honest review of this piece of software from a real users perspective. I also know some of the downsides of the tool, which I will cover here as well. While comparing with helium 10, jungle scout is best in all ways even you can use coupon code on all chrome extension & web app Plans. I can say you will save at least $150 minimum.

Before we dive more into the features of Jungle Scout, it’s important to provide a little bit of background on how to find profitable products to sell on Amazon.


Amazon is a competitive place to sell (which is why tools like Jungle Scout exist in the first place). So you don’t want to make the mistake of just seeing high sales numbers for a particular type of product and assuming you can easily get in on the action.

If a product category is totally oversaturated with hundreds or thousands of competitors all across the spectrum of high end to low priced – you generally want to stay away from entering that category. Jungle Scout can certainly help you avoid entering a category that’s overly competitive.


The most clever innovation in the world doesn’t really amount to much if nobody is willing to buy it. It’s tempting to come up with what you feel like is a great idea, but then for whatever reason, you find out that the kind of product you’re creating doesn’t sell well on Amazon.

There are a number of different reasons that might be the case – but the most important thing is to know for sure that people are buying products like yours on Amazon. If not, you may spend a lot of money creating a really high-quality product that nobody wants to buy. Jungle Scout’s sales estimator will help you be informed about how well items are selling today on Amazon.


Ideally, your product should have some feature or benefit that’s different and better than the competition. This is the easiest way to set yourself apart from your competitors. You generally want to avoid being a “me too” product that is basically the same exact thing that everyone else is selling with a different logo on it. When you take this approach, you’re often left to battle based on price – which can make it tough to sustain a long term profit.

Jungle Scout focuses on the data points available from Amazon, and determining things like “uniqueness” isn’t something you’re going to get from an analysis tool like Jungle Scout.
