Denny Laine Gets Special Beatles Tour of Los Angeles

Tout sur les Beatles

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by Adam Forrest |

Last Sunday, Gillian Lomax’s Beatles Magical History Tours of Los Angeles had a very special guest, founding member of The Moody Blues and guitarist with Paul McCartney and Wings, Denny Laine.

According to Gillian, there were “no words” to describe how thrilling it was having Denny Laine come on her tour. She said, “Denny had a few things to take care of while in LA so we accommodated him as best we could. We stopped by Paul McCartney’s house hoping he would “Let us In’ for a cuppa tea, alas, Paulie wasn’t home.

“Went a few streets over to Ringo’s house as Denny wanted to apply for the house sitting gig, but he wasn’t home either and all he got was a ‘Photograph’ outside the gates. Driving up into the Hollywood Hills we went by George Harrison’s old place on Blue Jay way and further up the hill shared a fantastic view of Los Angeles.”

Gillian concluded saying, “spending an afternoon with Denny Laine was superb to say the least.”

Denny enjoying the view of Hollywood

You never know what’s going to happen on one of Gillian’s Beatles tours. No place in the U.S. has as much combined Beatles history as Los Angeles, and Gillian has spent a lot of time researching her tour. She says, “Most people don’t associate Los Angeles with The Beatles, but in fact they’ve had a personal connection with our city since 1964.”

The cost for the four hour tour is only $75 per person. To take a Magical History Tour, or for more information, visit

A splendid time was had by all on Gillian’s tour on Sunday. If you haven’t taken this tour, “Go Now!”

The post Denny Laine Gets Special Beatles Tour of Los Angeles appeared first on Beatles music radio.
