Category : Beatles

by Super Admin - 5 years ago

How to march out in a Blaze of glory | Brief letters

Museums | Social trends | Funeral songs | Black squirrels | Royal babyYou report that 40 museums in England have closed in the period between 2005 and 2014 (Survival of museums on cliff edge with councils forced to cut ‘luxury’ services, 8 May). In f...

by Super Admin - 5 years ago

Woodstock Organizers Cancel 50th Anniversary Festival

4/29/2019 by Dave Brooks from Billboard “We don’t believe the production of the festival can be executed as an event worthy of the Woodstock Brand name.” Woodstock 50 has been cancelled. Earlier today officials with Dentsu Aegis Network,...

by Super Admin - 5 years ago

Michael O’Donnell obituary

Doctor, General Medical Council ‘rebel’ and broadcaster who appeared on Stop the Week and My Word!As a broadcaster, Michael O’Donnell, who has died aged 90, was a popular presenter and panellist. On Radio 4 he reined in the verbal antics of Frank Mui...

by Super Admin - 5 years ago

John Lennon’s Sgt Pepper Gypsy Caravan to be Restored

A spectacular gypsy caravan belonging to John Lennon is to be restored after finding its way into the hands of a charity. The caravan, much like John’s famous Rolls Royce, was painted with the motif of Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band...

by Super Admin - 5 years ago

Fest For Beatles Fans!!!

The Lapidos family is once again putting the final touches on their next Fest for Beatles Fans worldwide and this year’s event promises to be the best yet! You can still get your tickets and make plans to join in the fun on the final week of Ma...

by Super Admin - 6 years ago

The French know how to do lunch | Brief letters

Wine at lunch | Cleaning products | Words for loo | Moorhens | Brexit soundtracks | The Scottish dietRe long lunch breaks (Letters, 25 February), I once had lunch in one of the canteens at Airbus in Toulouse. I was astonished to see a couple of colle...

by Super Admin - 6 years ago

The greatest banned songs of all time – ranked!

Thirty years on from 2 Live Crew being banned by the Beeb, we pick 20 foul-mouthed, orgiastic outings deemed too scandalous for public consumption(We Don’t Need This) Fascist Groove Thang (1981) Related: From Blurred Lines to New Rules: how sex in po...