Brexit: is it au revoir to the aubergine? | Brief letters

Tout sur les Beatles

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Nine Elms | Jab v jag | Ministerial maternity | Classic Beatles | Aubergines

It is a huge missed opportunity; Wandsworth borough council’s mega development at Nine Elms provides so little for local people, particularly housing (Penthouses and poor doors: how Europe’s ‘biggest regeneration project’ fell flat, 2 February). The irony is that in the early 20th century, Battersea borough council, Wandsworth’s predecessor in the area, was one of the pioneers of council housing built by its own workforce and available to local people at modest rents.
Michael Leigh

• I’m surprised that in elaborating on the use and derivation of “jab”, your article (Steven Poole’s word of the week, 4 February) did not mention the word that is more commonly used in Scotland. Here we have nothing as relatively gentle as “jab”, but instead the far more pointed (pun intended) “jag”.
Sally Cheseldine

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