A First Clue For Paul McCartney’s Upcoming Album?

Tout sur les Beatles

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Click that link to watch! and then read the “explanation” by Andre’ Homan

Yesterday Paul McCartney published the video ‘Your Week Presented By Paul’ on Social Media. At first sight it just looks as a funny video about how to spend your week. But if you take a closer look, or even better, a ‘closer hearing’, the video might contain a message about Macca’s upcoming album.

The video contains of seven video fragments, originating from mainly videoclips, an interview and the movie Give My Regards To Broad Street. Every day has its own bit. And if you listen to the last four days of the week, you will be hearing the next message:

Thursday: I only know that when I’m in it…
Friday: one to black, this one is…
Saturday: musical interlude from Goodnight Tonight
Sunday: …to hear

In one sentence it’s something like:

“I only know that when I’m in it… one to black, this one is … to hear”

If you take ‘black’ as a reference to a vinyl record, well, that could mean the promotional campaign for McCartney’s new album might have started! The album is expected to be released next fall and a first official announcement or the release of a first single, is expected every moment. It wouldn’t be the first time that the promotion starts with secret messages; four years ago in 2013 there where the mysterious tweets from Paul, with only one word, like ‘castle’ and ‘born’, or with only one place name, like ‘York’. In the end, it became apparent that the name “New” could be added prior to the tweeted words and names and that was exactly the new albums name. Are we dealing here with a similar event?

The first three lines seem to have a message as well. When you listen you will hear:

Monday: You can give me what I want, I must con…
Tuesday: certain other green industries, in fact Mr. F (?) asked me for…
Wednesday: he’d say no no no…

In one sentence:

You can give what I want, I must con… certain other green industries, in fact Mr. F (?) asked me for… he’d say no, no, no

The first part are lyrics from the song Press, which should end with “I must confess”, but the ‘fess’ is removed, and instead followed by “certain other…”. Together it sounds like “I must concert another…” So, on Monday, can we get what we want? And on Tuesday, some kind of concert? And what about the rest? Still haven’t a clue what that could mean. Maybe we find out very soon…

You can watch the video on McCartney’s account on Instagram, Twitter or on his facebookpage.

The post A First Clue For Paul McCartney’s Upcoming Album? appeared first on Beatles music radio.
